This folder contains a few AppleScript applets and some ideas for using AutoLaunch. If you have additional scripts, ideas, or suggestions, please share them! You can send them to and we'll include them in the next release.
Example AppleScript Applets
Run JPEGView Slides:
JPEGView is an excellent scriptable freeware application that displays GIF, PICT, and JPEG images. This AppleScript applet simply uses JPEGView to sequentially display all the files in a particular folder using its "slide show" capability. The first time you run it, the applet will prompt you for one of the files in your slide show folder and will remember the folder on subsequent runs. To reset the folder, open the applet in the Script Editor and save it again.
You can get JPEGView from the info-mac archives. One URL for the latest version at the AOL mirror site is:
This applet simply turns on file sharing when it is launched, and turns it off again when you quit it. This can be used with AutoLaunch to turn on file sharing after your Mac has been idle, letting users log in when their activity won't slow down your work. The one thing wrong with this script is that it doesn't ask for confirmation before turning off file sharing, so logged in users will be abruptly kicked off when you start using your Mac again.
One user employs AutoLaunch as a reminder system. He sets up AutoLaunch to run his to-do list manager, Auspice, so every time he comes back to his desk, he has his list to remind him of the day's appointments and priorities. He says this also works very will with Stickies - then your reminders to yourself don't end up staying hidden behind other windows.